Steel Products Division No.1

Steel Sheet & Strip Business

Generating synergies with existing businesses by providing a product lineup covering steel sheets through to components.

・Domestic trading of hot rolled steel sheets, cold rolled steel sheets and surface coated steel sheets

・Investment and management for steel service centers and steel parts processing company

Handling everything from raw material through to finished products, by collaborating with Sumitomo Corporation's subsidiaries of manufacturing of galvanized steel sheets and color coated steel sheets, enables us to achieve good synergy in various business steps such as procurement, inventory, process, supply and information transfer, to satisfy every customer's needs.

Our business foundation in the sales capabilities of steel service centers.

One of the functions of steel service centers is to process big steel sheet coil to the size/shape required by customers.

Steel service center network all over the world of Sumitomo Corporation Group has a unified material procurement system, high quality processes and SCM (just-in-time delivery) for distributing to every customer's business development.

Steel Sheet for Automotive Industry Business

Our advantage is the deep trust we have established with customers in the automotive industry

This business focuses on sales of hot rolled/cold rolled/surface treated/stainless steel sheets to customers in the automotive-related manufacturing sector. It also conducts investment in and management of our steel service centers.
The automotive industry has seen remarkable progress, most clearly represented by the development of clean energy vehicles. To keep pace with such progress, we are increasing our steel service center capacity and enhancing its operation. By supplying key materials through the service center, we are establishing an organization capable of responding to customers' sophisticated demands and strengthening our business platform.

Mechanical Tubular Products Business

To be a global solution provider specialized in mechanical tubular products

We supply mechanical tubular products made to customer specifications for the automotive, construction and industrial machinery sectors in domestic and overseas markets, providing the best solutions from the perspective of quality, cost, delivery and service.
To respond to customer needs properly, we will collaborate with Sumitomo Corporation Group's domestic and overseas steel tubular products business, adopting new and better technologies at every opportunity. We will enhance our tubular products supply chain right around the world and strengthen our specialization in this product category.

Specialty Tubular Products Business

Supplying specialty tubular products for energy plants that are vital to social infrastructure.

We supply specialty tubular products that are essential to social infrastructure in particular to energy plants including thermal and nuclear power generation, petroleum refining and liquefied natural gas to heavy industries, oil companies, engineering companies, fabricators and distributors around the world.
In the arena of specialty tubular business with its wide variety of applications in diverse industries, we are in a position to gain further opportunities for growth by flexibly revising our product mix to react to future structural shifts while anticipating changes in the state of the energy industry.

Steel Service Center network to fulfill customer needs for automotive and home appliance industries.

steel service center network covers countries and regions in the world with companies located close to automotive/home appliance manufacturer's factories.
With an established production system to fulfill customer’s requirements properly, IT, LT, FT and inventory control for JIT delivery, we always maintain a high-quality service.